Lower Southampton Pet Food Pantry
September 19, 2024
3:09 am
This event is being held in order to provide FREE supplementary pet food for Lower Bucks County, PA residents who are experiencing financial hardship*. There will be information available from Red Paw Emergency Relief Team on emergency preparedness!
*The following documentation will be required before we can accept any application:
- Driver’s license or other valid photo identification card
- Proof of residency of Lower Bucks County, PA (photo ID, current utility bill, etc.)
- Proof of financial hardship (SSI, ACCESS, current paystub, unemployment, etc.)
- Proof of number of pet(s) (proof of vaccinations, spay/neuter, pictures, etc.)
Please bring a rolling cart or shopping bags to transport pet food home. While supplies last!
For more information, please e-mail Donna at narvila@Comcast.net.
This event is hosted by Lower Southampton Animal Control Advisory Board (LSACAB).