Zoning Hearing Board Meeting – Click HERE to view the Legal Notice
February 13, 2025
2:47 pm
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Lower Southampton Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing on May 24, 2022 beginning at 7:00 P.M. at the Lower Southampton Administrative Building, 1500 Desire Avenue, Feasterville, PA 19053 for the purpose of considering the following application:
Application Z22-03. Application of Bucks County MGMT, LLC, owner of the properties at 215 and 225 Philmont Ave., identified as Bucks County Tax Map Parcel 21-013-003-002 and 21-013-003-003 (together, the “Property”). The Applicant seeks the following in connection with a proposal to construct an addition to an existing building on the Property: (1) a variance from the provisions of Section 27-1102.F so as to permit the addition to be set back 14.2’ from the Property’s rear lot line, whereas a 35’ rear yard setback would otherwise be required; and (2) a variance from the provisions of Section 27-1901.CC so as to maintain fifteen (15) parking spaces, whereas 63 parking spaces would otherwise be required.
Application Z22-04. Application of Brandon Mattingly, equitable owner of the property at 515 Andrews Road, identified as Bucks County Tax Map Parcel 21-023-017-002. The Applicant seeks to operate a motor vehicle repair garage at the property, whereas such use requires a special exception in an industrial zoning district.
Application Z22-05. Application of David C. Adams, owner of a vacant lot on Wood Road identified as Bucks County Tax Map Parcel 21-032-004. The Applicant seeks the following in connection with a proposal to construct a pole barn on the property: (1) a variance from Section 27-602 to permit an accessory structure to be the sole structure on the property; and (2) a variance from Section 27-1403(H)(3) to permit the pole barn to measure 2000 square feet, whereas an accessory structure is not permitted to exceed a total of 500 square feet.
All interested persons are invited to attend and participate in accordance with the rules and procedures prescribed by Lower Southampton Township Zoning Hearing Board.