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Department Duties: Health, Safety & Welfare of the Township.

This is done by a staff that enforces the Zoning Ordinance (Law) of the Township, reviews applications for permits, land development, variances, conditional uses and special exceptions.  Often this mean that the staff deals with various aspects of the public, stays informed of laws, mostly Township, State and sometimes Federal that impacts the life of Town.

Our staff consists of a group of dedicated people who are capable of dealing with all the concerns of the Township.  As a group they will inspect complaints, building permits, give aid and information to Township residents.

Lower Southampton Township’s Zoning Department is excited to present our Interactive Zoning Map using MapLink.  MapLink will allow users to view Zoning Districts, permitted land uses, dimensional standards, and other elements from our Zoning Ordinance.  You will be able to search for specific properties by address as well as click on a parcel to find a summary of rules that apply to that location.  This is an interactive tool that will save time and answer the questions “what can I do with this property?” and “where can I put my business?”

The Township requires ALL deeds to be recorded with the Township’s real estate registry at the time of every purchase, devisee, grantee or person acquiring title to real estate property in Lower Southampton Township.  This is different than the recording of your deed at the Bucks County Recorder of Deeds which is generally handled by a realtor or title company, however, it is still required and the property owners on the deed will be held responsible.

A copy of your deed must be accompanied with an administrative fee of $10.00.  Failure to do so may result in the issuance of a violation notice and a doubled fee of $20.00. Further neglect of the ordinance may result in court action which may contain penalties of up to $1,000.