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Township News

Volunteers Needed – Subsidiary Board Openings for 2025

Are you looking for a way to get involved with your community?  There are several open positions on some of our subsidiary boards.  If you are interested in being considered for one of the openings, please submit a letter of interest to by 5 PM on Friday, December 13th.

  1.  Vacancy Board – This position is appointed on an annual basis by the Board of Supervisors & mandated by the Pennsylvania Second Class Township Code.  The purpose of this position is to decide upon a replacement Supervisor should a Supervisor Board position become vacant, in the event that the remaining four Board members are unable to reach a decision.  Must be a registered voter in the Township.
  2. Environmental Advisory Council – The EAC meets monthly.  The EAC identifies environmental issues and recommends plans & programs for the promotion and conservation of the Township’s natural resources.
  3. Industrial Development Authority – The purpose of the Authority is to acquire, hold, construct, improve, maintain, own, finance and lease economic development projects within Lower Southampton Township.  The IDA meets quarterly.
  4. Library Board – The Library Board meets monthly.  The Library Board acts in an advisory capacity to the library and helps develop, monitor, and approve the library’s budget and policies.
  5. Planning Commission – The Planning Commission meets twice per month.  The Planning Commission is responsible for hearing land development, zoning ordinances, and other township development plans in an effort to help the Board of Supervisors plan and guide the growth of our municipality.
  6. Playwicki Farm Foundation -The Playwicki Farm Foundation was created in 1996 as an independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt corporation to raise money for charitable, education & scientific purposes.  The funds are used for the repair, replacement, maintenance and preservation of Playwicki Farm and the development of educational programs.   Throughout the year the Foundation has events that help with fundraising efforts.
  7. Recreation Board – The Recreation Board meets monthly.  The Recreation Board shall advise the Board of Supervisors as to the operation, supervision and maintenance of parks, recreation programming and facilities.
  8. Veterans Advisory Council – The VAC meets monthly.  The VAC gathers information for and distributes information to area Veterans.  The VAC assists local Veterans with their questions about needs and resources that are available to them.

November 26, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting Video

Access to recordings of Board of Supervisors meetings are available on the Township’s YouTube Channel the day after a public meeting.

All meeting videos provided are for reference only.  Official actions of the Township Board of Supervisors are documented in approved meeting minutes and will be posted on the Township website the day following approval.

Click HERE to view the meeting.

November 20, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting Video

Access to recordings of Board of Supervisors meetings are available on the Township’s YouTube Channel the day after a public meeting.

All meeting videos provided are for reference only.  Official actions of the Township Board of Supervisors are documented in approved meeting minutes and will be posted on the Township website the day following approval.

Click HERE to view the meeting.

November 6, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting Video

Access to recordings of Board of Supervisors meetings are available on the Township’s YouTube Channel the day after a public meeting.

All meeting videos provided are for reference only.  Official actions of the Township Board of Supervisors are documented in approved meeting minutes and will be posted on the Township website the day following approval.

Click HERE to view the meeting.