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Notice to Residents Regarding Construction at the Township Administration Building

UPDATE 7/19/2024:  The Township Administration Building parking lot will be closed from Friday, 7/19 in the evening until Monday, 7/22 in the morning due to roof and siding work being performed all weekend.

At the May 22nd Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board awarded the bid for the Township Administration Building roof replacement to Beaver Home Improvements, LLC.  The contractor is set to begin with the demolition of the existing roof on Wednesday, July 17 at 8 AM (weather permitting).  The work is expected to take place over the next two weeks.

Please be advised that during the demolition phase, there may be loud noise coming from the building site.  The building will remain open for normal business hours (M-F, 9AM – 5PM) during construction.  All safety precautions are being taken to keep the residents and employees safe while the work is being completed.

We apologize for any inconvenience.