Snow Emergency Issued for Sunday, January 19, 2025
Due to the impending storm, Chief of Police Krimmel has declared a Snow Emergency that will be in effect from noon today, Sunday, January 19, 2025, until 6 AM tomorrow, Monday, January 20, 2025. During this Snow Emergency, it shall be unlawful at any time during the continuance of the Snow Emergency for any person to part a motor vehicle or to allow that vehicle to remain anywhere on any designated snow emergency route (any Township street). Failure to remove vehicles may result in fines and/or towing of vehicles. We need the vehicles removed so our Road Crew and PennDOT can effectively plow your streets.
A snow emergency DOES NOT mean you can ride your ATVs and snowmobiles in the street.
Please clear any fire hydrants near your homes and help your older neighbors with shoveling if you can.
Thank you for your cooperation.